• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Ancient History General in 2005

Solomon's Temple Spiritualized: Setting Forth The Divine Mysteries Of The Temple With An Account Of Its Destruction by Kelly, Christopher
Encountering the Sacred: The Debate on Christian Pilgrimage in Late Antiquity Volume 38 by Bitton-Ashkelony, Brouria
Architecture and Archaeology in the Cyclades: Papers in honour of J.J. Coulton by
The Assemblage of Bone and Ivory Artifacts from Caesarea Maritima, Israel, 1st - 13th Centuries CE by Ayalon, Etan
How Petra was Built: An analysis of the construction techniques of the Nabataean freestanding buildings and rock-cut monuments in Petra, Jo by Rababeh, Shaher M.
Linear Earthwork, Tribal Boundary and Ritual Beheading: Aves Ditch from the Iron Age to the Early Middle Ages by Sauer, Eberhard W.
Becoming Consumers: Looking beyond Wealth as an Explanation of Villa Variability. Perspectives from the East of England by Martins, Christopher Barry
Territories, Boundaries Bar S1362 by Kozlowski, S. K., Aurenche, O.
Untersuchungen zu den urnenfelderzeitlichen Gräbern mit Waffenbeigaben vom Alpenkamm bis zur Südzone des Nordischen Kreises: Eine Analyse ihrer Grabin by Clausing, Christof
Examining the Levallois Reduction Strategy from a Design Theory Point of View by Sandgathe, Dennis M.
Dental Microwear in Natufian Hunter-Gatherers and Pre-Pottery Neolithic Agriculturalists from Northern Isreal by Mahoney, Patrick
El proceso de neolitización en la fachada mediterránea de la península Ibérica: Technología y tipología de la piedra tallada by García Puchol, Oreto
The Prehistoric Buildings of Chalcolithic Cyprus; the Lemba Experimental Village by Thomas, Gordon D.
The Minoan Pantheon: Towards an understanding of its nature and extent by Moss, Marina L.