Recursion Theory: Turing Machine, Computation, Lambda Calculus, Decision Problem, Entscheidungsproblem, Kolmogorov Complexity
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ISBN10: 1156581303
ISBN13: 9781156581308
Publisher: Books Llc
Pages: 534
Weight: 2.08
Height: 1.08 Width: 7.44 Depth: 9.69
Language: English
ISBN13: 9781156581308
Publisher: Books Llc
Pages: 534
Weight: 2.08
Height: 1.08 Width: 7.44 Depth: 9.69
Language: English
Chapters: Turing machine, Computation, Lambda calculus, Decision problem, Entscheidungsproblem, Kolmogorov complexity, Church-Turing thesis, -recursive function, Primitive recursive function, Oracle machine, Ackermann function, Computable number, Post correspondence problem, Busy beaver, Kleene's recursion theorem, Konig's lemma, Computability theory, Algorithm characterizations, Algorithm examples, History of the Church-Turing thesis, Halting problem, operator, Godel numbering for sequences, Reverse mathematics, Arithmetical hierarchy, Computable function, Turing degree, Von Neumann universal constructor, Recursive languages and sets, Hyperarithmetical theory, Fast-growing hierarchy, Effective dimension, Reduction, Turing reduction, Recursively enumerable set, Grzegorczyk hierarchy, McCarthy Formalism, Analytical hierarchy, Computability logic, List of undecidable problems, Post's theorem, Chain rule for Kolmogorov complexity, Description number, List of computability and complexity topics, Kleene's T predicate, Bounded quantifier, ELEMENTARY, Many-one reduction, Automatic semigroup, Buchi's Problem, Slow-growing hierarchy, PA degree, Course-of-values recursion, Forcing, Turing jump, Creative and productive sets, Primitive recursive functional, Arithmetical set, Hardy hierarchy, Automatic group, Smn theorem, Recursive set, Computation in the limit, Recursively inseparable sets, 01 class, Maximal set, Truth-table reduction, Alpha recursion theory, Craig's theorem, Richardson's theorem, Church-Turing-Deutsch principle, Effective method, Index set, Martin measure, Myhill isomorphism theorem, Double recursion, Recursive ordinal, Utm theorem, Simple set, Complete numbering, Computable analysis, Tarski-Kuratowski algorithm, Effective Polish space, Computable isomorphism, Low basis theorem, Trakhtenbrot's theorem, High, Computable measure theory, . Source: Wikipedia. Pages: 164. Free updates online. Purchase includes a free trial me...http: //